In "Aab E Hayat" by Umera Ahmed, readers are immersed in a captivating narrative that intricately weaves together spirituality, human emotions, and societal challenges. This thought-provoking novel delves into the...
"In The Land of The Pure" by Kenize Mourad is a narrative that delves into the intricacies of identity, belonging, and the complexities of cultural heritage. Set against the backdrop...
Explore the rich tapestry of Muslim political thought with Dr. Sultan Khan's authoritative tome, meticulously crafted for aspirants of CSS, PMS, PCS, and M.A. examinations. Delve into the depths of...
Saanjh Wichaar, penned by the insightful Saeed Bhutta, is a profound exploration of the intricate nuances of life, relationships, and societal dynamics. The title itself, "Saanjh Wichaar," translates to "Evening...
"The One Who Did Not Ask" by Altaf Fatima delves into the intricate depths of human relationships, cultural nuances, and the consequences of unspoken desires. Set against the backdrop of...
Christophe Jaffrelot's "The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience" provides a nuanced and comprehensive analysis of Pakistan's complex political landscape. Jaffrelot explores the dual themes of instability and resilience that have...